10 Best Countries With The Most Loyal Wives

Of course, there’s no magic place where only loyal women live, but there are statistics and facts that prove that in some countries, the chance to meet a loyal woman is higher. So, yes, it all depends on a person, but national characteristics matter, too, and we’re going to talk about them in more detail in our guide on top countries with the most faithful wives.
1. Ukraine

It’s hard to say that the divorce rate in Ukraine is that low—for example, in 2018, it was 67.4 per 100 marriages. However, it’s important to remember that the most common reasons for divorce have nothing to do with Ukrainian women cheating on their men or just giving up on their families without any serious reason. In reality, the common reasons for divorce are domestic violence, alcohol abuse, and the inability to find compromises. Also, many women get tired of doing household chores and working, which often becomes one reason they may seek Western men. It’s not about finding someone who’ll work for them and provide for the family but about more support and opportunity to rely on someone absolutely independent. Considering that Ukrainian women are also known as some of the most well-educated, beautiful, and caring wives, most of them find new partners without much difficulty.
2. The Philippines

Which country has the most loyal woman? If you ask a dating expert, they will likely say it’s the Philippines. How can that be explained? First of all, infidelity is really common in the Philippines, but the thing is, Filipino women usually find themselves in love triangles between themselves, their husbands, and their mistress. This type of relationship even has a name—the querida family. The thing is, divorces are still prohibited in this country, and some men feel more freedom in the worst sense possible. So, local women usually hate this behavioral pattern and don’t follow it. Also, it’s just about attitude to their partners and the relationship at large. If you want to find a loyal and caring wife, you have a great chance to find her in this particular country, as Filipinos are really devoted to a relationship. All they ask for in exchange is attention, so if it sounds like a good deal to you, this place is definitely worth visiting.
3. Mexico

Mexico also must be on the list of countries with most loyal wives just because the institution of family is still incredibly strong there. Many guys go there to get a foreign Mexican wife not just because of their exotic beauty, spontaneity, passion, and emotionality. These things undoubtedly matter, but the most important thing that attracts Western men is the opportunity to find a woman who believes that family loyalty is the most important thing in life. In this Latin country, it’s all about the bonds between family members, not just between a husband and wife but also with siblings, parents-in-law, nephews, and nieces, which makes Mexico a perfect place for those who want to have a big and loving family.
4. Japan

Japan is a unique place. A lot of men dream of having the most loyal women from this Asian country, but they also need to consider some cultural peculiarities. Yes, a Japanese woman is likely to be family-oriented and treat a relationship seriously, but winning her heart is not easy. Men searching for such a woman on dating sites should understand that family is important, and at the early stages of a relationship, her parents are her family. So, if you fail the check and won’t make a good impression and, most importantly, prove that you will support their daughter and are able to provide for a family, you’ll hardly succeed. Nonetheless, for many men, it’s worth the effort. No wonder, considering that Japanese wives are witty, well-educated, perfectly mannered, and incredibly attractive overall.
5. South Korea

The situation with the institution of the family in South Korea is more complicated than in most other Asian countries. The institution of the family in this country is getting weaker, but not because in this country, women aren’t family-oriented. This is explained by internal social factors, particularly an incredibly high labor market competition and lots of pressure that every South Korean student and employee feels. These are the main reasons why many local girls get married at 30+, but there is another thing that you should know about South Korea. First of all, love matters. Korean women treat romance and relationships seriously, there’s the entire romantic industry, and most locals are really motivated to find a partner. Of course, they don’t leave him that easily, which explains why in this country, the divorce rate is one of the lowest. Now it’s just 2 divorces per 1,000 inhabitants.
6. Brazil

Brazilian women are also some of the most loyal girls one can possibly meet. Although it may seem that the Brazilian community is open-minded, and well, many local women are still more passionate than, for example, Indian women or Chinese women, it doesn’t mean that local females underestimate the importance of a good relationship and a strong, happy family. In fact, there are a lot of Brazilian women seeking serious relationships, and unfortunately, not all of them succeed. Some are unhappy with the strong impact of machismo culture and the inability to build a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding, some want to fulfill their desire for modernity, and some are just attracted to foreign men. But when they find the right partner, they become not just beautiful women with a great sense of humor, spontaneity, passion, and emotion but also the most faithful women for their husbands.
7. Colombia

Colombian wives are some of the women who intermarry most frequently, so that’s a great place to find a foreign wife. Colombian girls are pretty open-minded and emotional (some of them would say that’s just another stereotype. Still, if we compare them to other foreign women, for instance, girls from some Asian countries, we’ll understand it’s not exactly true), but most importantly, loyal women. The vast majority of Colombian ladies believe that nothing is more important than a family, and they do their best to find decent partners and then keep a family together, coping with all the difficulties and enjoying the best moments together.
8. Thailand

Some men say that Thai women are the most faithful wives in the world. However, some argue that it’s nearly impossible to find a loyal wife there as there are only money-hungry bar girls seeking foreign boyfriends who’ll give them money. So, who’s right and who’s wrong? In fact, there are bar girls in Thailand, but yes, you can meet them at bars and nightclubs, while 99% of local women stay at home, study, spend time with their families, work, etc. It’s incredibly important to distinguish them, and if you meet women from the second category, finding a loyal girl among them won’t be a challenge but the easiest task ever. Also, loyalty isn’t the only benefit of starting a relationship with a Thai woman. These ladies are also known as the most caring and loving women in the world.
9. China

Which country has most loyal wife? Some men would say it’s China. Local ladies are just amazing, and there’s one thing that all foreigners should know. The impact of the Western culture is really strong here, foreign men are considered attractive (more attractive than local men overall), and a Chinese woman is usually not as shy as most people think. There’s a big difference between women in big cities and rural areas, though. Women from small towns and villages are way more conservative and traditional, while girls from cities like Beijing or Shanghai are more open-minded and westernized. Still, they all have at least one thing in common: they remain family-oriented and make loving and, most importantly, loyal wives.
10. Russia

Russian women are some of the most beautiful women in the world, but it’s not the only reason why tens of thousands of men search for foreign brides in this particular country. They are some of the Slavic women who have a lot to offer to a man, but unfortunately, it’s not always appreciated. Many Russian women struggle to find an equal partner, many have negative previous relationship experiences, and many are dating men who believe that when a woman does her best to reconcile work and family life and does all the household chores is just a normal thing. So, if you want to find a loyal wife, who’ll also be educated, witty, and beautiful, you can search for a Russian wife and enjoy your classic European marriage.

As you can see, there are a lot of places where you can meet faithful women. Who should you choose, Asian girls, Russian girls, or maybe women from a Latin country? The thing is, even if you want to find a loyal wife, you shouldn’t focus on this single characteristic. Learn more about the national characteristics of all these women—it won’t help you understand every single Brazilian woman, Chinese woman, or Mexican girl. However, it will help you find out what you can expect from local women, how they view a perfect relationship and a family, and how they are different from Western women, and then make a conscious choice.